Summary & Quick Facts
- Alternate Side Parking allows the Department of Transportation to clean NYC streets with street sweepers once to twice a week
- Cars must not park on one side of the street on during a specified amount of hours.
- The times and days when Alternate Side Parking are in effect vary depending on your location
- A parking ticket for Alternate Side Parking costs $65 in Manhattan on 96th Street or below and $45 in all other areas in NYC.
Alternate Side Parking
If you drive in New York City, you certainly partake in the mass, never-ending search for that coveted prime parking spot. How many times have you found yourself aimlessly driving around city blocks looking for parking? You know how it is! New Yorkers deal with a long list stresses on a daily basis. Nevertheless, if you own a car, looking for a spot while trying to follow Alternate Side Parking rules can be one of the most stressful.
There is perhaps no better moment to get a parking ticket than when alternate side parking regulations are in effect. Alternate side parking tickets are unfortunately one of the easiest ways to land a hefty parking ticket that will set you back at least $45 or more. No stress though! This article has all the information you need to help you stay on the good side of alternate side parking rules. If you follow these tips below, you’ll stay two steps ahead and not let pricey parking tickets sweep you off of your feet (or jeep?) and avoid unnecessary tickets in NYC!
Know the Rules!
Your best bet for beating alternate side parking tickets in New York City is to simply understand the rules and times when they are in effect.
What is “alternate side parking” exactly? ASP regulations coincide with the NYC Department of Sanitation street-sweeping schedule. Nevertheless, these regulations order cars in many neighborhoods around New York City to clear one side of the street. About once or twice a week, cars cannot park on the side of the street where street sweepers are cleaning for a specified amount of time. Consequently, if you pay attention you’ll see how cars bounce from side to side throughout the week. If you don’t drive a car you may have never known why this happens. For others, it’s simply a fact of life in the Big Apple if you regularly drive a car.
Most alternate side parking signs are clearly marked with signs featuring a “P” crossed by a broom. As for times, a lot of neighborhoods have three-hour restrictions (ex. 10:30 am to 1:30 pm). Nevertheless, times vary considerably. If you don’t move your car out of its parking space for the duration of the time specified on signs of the side of the street it’s on, you will definitely get hit with a parking ticket. So depending on where you live or find yourself parking often, this can happen early in the morning, late at night or anytime in between)
So..I just saw the street sweeper go by?
You’re probably thinking, “Can I park in that spot now?” Nope! You unfortunately still cannot park there. Sometimes, street sweepers pass around the block multiple times especially during certain seasons like fall where there are a lot of leaves and tree debris on the streets.
So When Can I Not Get A Ticket?
- Legal holidays! New Yorkers love holidays for a reason and this is one of them. The city suspends many traffic regulations on major “legal” holidays. This suspension includes the rules that govern all stopping, standing and parking traffic signs except in cases where the signs are in effect seven days a week (ex. “No Standing Anytime.”) (See below for a full distinction between legal and religious holidays.)
- Inclement weather- During bad weather (more often with winter snow storms ) the city tends to suspend or change its parking and traffic regulations. Alternate Side Parking is a regulation that is disproportionately affected by bad weather. After all, street sweepers need to make way for the plows!
What’s The Easiest Way to Know When Alternate Side Parking Rules are in effect?
You definitely want to know the streets around you that have alternate side parking rules in effect! Check out this DOTMap which will allow you to view alternate side parking rules around you. Zoom into the street level of the location you want to see, and then select “Parking Signs” from the GIS Layers menu on the right. FYI, if there’s construction or a recent update to parking rules, the database information may not be up to date.
You can also stay up to date by following the official NYC ASP twitter account. Who would’ve thought a tweet could save you at least $100 bucks?
Lastly, Know the major legal holidays where parking regulations are suspended. The holidays in bold and noted with an asterisk (*) considered legal holidays.
2018 Dates Alternate Side Parking is Suspended
- New Year’s Day* – (Monday, January 1)
- Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday – (Monday, January 15)
- Lincoln’s Birthday (Observed) – (Monday, February 12)
- Ash Wednesday – (Wednesday, February 14)
- Asian Lunar New Year – (Friday, February 16)
- Washington’s Birthday (Presidents Day) – (Monday, February 19)
- Purim – (Thursday, March 1)
- Holy Thursday – (Thursday, March 29 )
- Good Friday – (Friday, March 30)
- Passover (1st/2nd Days) – (Saturday-Sunday, March 31-April 1)
- Holy Thursday (Orthodox) – (Thursday, April 5)
- Good Friday (Orthodox) – (Friday, April 6)
- Passover (7th/8th Days) – (Friday-Saturday, April 6-7)
- Solemnity of Ascension – (Thursday, May 10)
- Shavuot (2 Days) – (Sunday-Monday, May 20-May 21)
- Memorial Day* – (Monday, May 28)
- Eid al-Fitr (Idul-Fitr) – (Friday-Sunday, June 15-17)
- Independence Day* – (Wednesday, July 4)
- Feast of the Assumption – (Wednesday, August 15)
- Eid al-Adha/Idul-Adha (2 Days) – (Tuesday-Thursday, August 21-23)
- Labor Day* – (Monday, September 3)
- Rosh Hashanah (2 Days) – (Monday-Tuesday, September 10-11)
- Yom Kippur – (Wednesday, September 19)
- Succoth (2 Days) – (Monday-Tuesday, September 24-25)
- Shemini Atzereth – (Monday, October 1)
- Simchas Torah – (Tuesday, October 2)
- Columbus Day – (Monday, October 8)
- All Saints Day – (Thursday, November 1)
- Diwali – (Tuesday, November 6)
- Election Day – (Tuesday, November 6)
- Veterans Day – (Observed) – (Monday, November 12)
- Thanksgiving Day* – (Thursday, November 22)
- Immaculate Conception – (Saturday, December 8)
- Christmas Day* – (Tuesday, December 25)
If you happen to have received a parking ticket for an alternate side parking violation, don’t sit on it! We have an informative article that will help you learn how to pay a New York City parking ticket quickly. After all, who wants to stress about a parking ticket? Let alone all the additional late fees you might face. If you really don’t think you deserve that ASP ticket, take a look at our article on how to fight a parking ticket and fight the good fight!