Quick Summary and Facts
- The NYC Fleet Program helps businesses manage the parking tickets they receive while doing deliveries and service calls.
- Businesses can enroll multiple vehicles in the program.
- Businesses have access to a report of outstanding violations, the ability to create bills and request hearings online through a web-based platform.
- Tickets are penalty-free for a period of 60 days after first receiving them.
The NYC Fleet Program Can Help Your Businesses
As New York continues to grow into a bigger and bigger city, the amount of congestion, unfortunately, grows as well! Local businesses that rely on vehicles to do their work have increasingly dealt with the effects of congestion. With the lack of parking spots available especially during business hours, many drivers often end up having to park in spots where the risk of getting a parking ticket is pretty high. Subsequently, it can be very easy to rack up an insane amount of parking tickets all in a day’s work. It’s quite an unfortunate reality for businesses that use vehicles to do their jobs. Let’s be real, it can definitely put a dent in your company’s bottom line.
Thankfully, the city has a program that helps businesses deal with all the parking tickets they get while making deliveries and service calls. Take a look at the information below about the NYC Fleet Program, it may very well help your business cut operating costs, increase efficiency and most importantly, help your business’s bottom line!
What is the NYC Fleet Program?
The Department of Finance’s NYC Fleet Program is meant to assist local businesses who use commercial vehicles that are exclusively for the delivery of goods or services. The program provides business owners with a weekly listing of new tickets issued to any of the company’s registered vehicles via an online platform. Companies that enroll in the program have a period of 60 days to resolve a ticket. They must either pay the parking ticket at a base fine or obtain a hearing without incurring penalties.
If you have one or more vehicles registered to your business, you can easily apply to enroll all of them in the NYC Fleet Program. The NYC Fleet Program helps businesses not only manage their parking tickets through an online portal but potentially reduce the amount they have to pay for parking tickets.
Here’s a quick rundown of some other features of the NYC Fleet Program:
- Keep track of all the parking tickets issued to your commercial vehicles registered in the program.
- Enroll or remove the plates of your commercial vehicles from the city’s database as needed.
- Choose to pay tickets for specific vehicles in your fleet.
- Request hearings to fight your parking tickets.
- Be eligible for one of the city ’s other commercial parking benefit programs.
How the NYC Fleet Program Helps Your Business With Parking Tickets
First, the NYC Fleet Program gives commercial businesses more time to address their parking tickets. For example, there is no late penalty on parking tickets that a business receives for a period of 60 days. This is 30 days more than the time given to passenger vehicles. After this initial 60 day period, parking tickets that remain unresolved will receive a $10 late fee added to the base fine. If the parking ticket is still unresolved 30 days after the first late fee is added, the city will add a second penalty of $20. If the parking ticket is still unresolved 45 days after the second late fee, the third penalty of $30 is added.
Be careful business owners! If you do not resolve outstanding tickets after 135 days (Hopefully it never gets to this point!), the city will put your parking tickets on default judgment. This means that the city will begin to charge interest on top of your outstanding parking ticket debts. They may even move to booting or towing your vehicles. Boy, it gets worse! They can go as far as seizing your business’s property and sending your debts to collection agencies. If your company accrues more than $350 in judgment debt, your membership in the program is for sure in jeopardy. Here, the city may choose to not renew your registration and remove your business from the program.
How To Apply:
Finally, let’s get to the application process; applying to the program is fairly simple! Business owners should fill out the enrollment agreement and complete the enrollment application. Upon receipt of this application, the city will send you a bill listing all of your business’s open parking tickets. You will then have 30 days to resolve all parking tickets by:
- Paying all parking tickets you choose not to contest or scheduling hearings to contest your parking tickets.
- Providing copies of DMV registrations of ALL plates you will enroll.
- Scheduling hearings for summonses you choose to contest (if eligible) and paying any of those found guilty.
Before you cruise off to your next delivery, remember this! The city offers other programs to help businesses with parking tickets, check out our article on the NYC Parking Ticket Reduction Program to find out more!