How To Get A Parking Permit For Drivers With Disabilities

Parking Tickets and Disabilities in NYC

Driving in New York City is already tough, but if you are a driver with disabilities, it can really be a nightmare. Many drivers take for granted the ease and accessibility they may have while navigating the city. Nonetheless, many are unaware of the constructed inequalities that poor urban planning of the past can cause for drivers with disabilities. Unfortunately, drivers with disabilities deal with a lot more headaches on the road than your average driver. Parking tickets really shouldn’t be one of them. This article will provide up to date and valuable information to help drivers acquire both a New York City and New York State parking permit for persons with disabilities. 

Am I Eligible For A Disabled Parking Permit?

Luckily, drivers with disabilities can apply for parking permits issued by both New York City and New York State governments. These permits will alleviate some of the challenges faced on the road by waving certain parking regulations that may disproportionately affect drivers with disabilities. In doing this, both New York City and state governments seek to help increase accessibility across the board for all drivers. There are two kinds of disabled parking permits that drivers in New York should be aware of: the New York City Parking Permit and the New York State parking permit.

New York City Parking Permit Eligibility Requirements

In order to receive the New York City parking permit for drivers with disabilities, drivers must:

  • Have a severe, temporary or permanent disability that impairs mobility.
  • Require the use of a private vehicle for transportation.

Drivers must have their condition certified by a personal doctor and a New York City physician designated by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) Medical Certification Unit (MCU). Both NYC, as well as non-city residents, are eligible to receive a New York City disabled parking permit.

New York State Parking Permit Eligibility Requirements

The requirements to receive a NYS parking permit are a little more defined, drivers qualify to receive a permit if they:

  • Have a severe, permanent or temporary, qualifying mobility impairment.
  • Limited or no use of one or both legs.
  • Have a neuro-muscular dysfunction which severely limits mobility.
  • Have another physical or mental disability which makes the use of public transportation difficult.
  • Are legally blind.

Drivers with disabilities must have their condition certified by their physician and approved by the NYS DMV.


What’s The Difference Between These Two Permits?

While they may seem the same, there are actually important distinctions between the two permits. Not knowing these differences can easily hit drivers with unnecessary and expensive parking tickets.  Here are the differences between the permits:

New York City Permit

Because New York City does not set aside reserved spaces on its streets for drivers with disabilities, this permit removes some restrictions on where drivers with disabilities can park in the city.

The New York City parking permit is a rectangular placard which drivers place on their car’s dashboard and grants the ability to park in almost all of the “No Parking” zones throughout the street regardless of the time of day. This includes hours designated for alternate side parking. The permit also allows drivers to park in spaces specifically designated for certain occupations such as the press, physicians, and government workers.  

Finally, the permit also allows drivers to park in any No Standing zones except for Trucks Loading/Unloading or Truck Loading Zone without fear of landing a parking ticket. Drivers should know that an exception where this does not apply is the Garment District parking area on crosstown streets 35th-41st Streets, between 6th and 8th Avenues.

While the permit grants drivers the ability to park in many spaces there are still some places you cannot:

  • In spaces designated for Ambulances and Ambulettes
  • A Hotel Loading Zone
  • At a taxi stand
  • In a bus stop
  • In a fire zone
  • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrants
  • In a driveway or crosswalk or on a sidewalk
  • Double parking
  • In a general No Standing Zone with restricted hours ( i.e. No Standing 4 PM – 7 PM)
  • In a No Stopping Zone

If you disregard these restrictions, you may wind up with a couple parking tickets on your windshield that you may have to pay or fight


New York State Parking Permit


While the New York City parking permit is used for valid street parking, the New York State parking permit is NOT valid for street parking in the city. The state parking permit is only valid for off-street handicap parking spots. These are the parking spaces specifically reserved for drivers with disabilities commonly seen in parking lots and garage. Drivers who apply will receive a blue state permit that hangs on rear-view mirrors.

Where to get the permits:

To apply for NYC parking permits for drivers with disabilities, follow the directions closely and fill out the form. 

To Apply for NY State parking permits for drivers with disabilities, follow the directions and fill out the form.

Remember, both permits have expiration dates and will need to be renewed.

Hopefully, this information can really help drivers out there who may have difficulty on the roads due to accessibility. Drivers without disabilities can really play their role by being considerate and mindful of drivers who have disabilities. This means not parking in spaces designated for persons with disabilities as well as following the rules and regulations of the road.


Categories: driving with disabilitiesNY-New York
Tags: ADAdisabilitiesdrivingdriving with disabilitiesNew YorkNew york Citynycparking permits
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