The life of a medical professional can be hectic and time is often not on one’s side, especially with COVID-19 still running our doctors and nurses ragged. So when you need to park immediately, but can’t find a legal space, what do you do? Surely, you must have some leeway because of the importance of your job. You certainly do, but be sure you know the limits of these benefits.
According to the New York City Department of Transportation Rules:
Where parking is prohibited by signs, but not where stopping or standing is prohibited, a duly licensed physician or dentist may park his/her motor vehicle, identified by “MD,” “OP” or “DDS” New York registration plates, on a roadway adjacent to hospitals or clinics for a period not to exceed three hours.
Take a look at the image below for what the City considers to be adjacent.
In addition, those with an MD or OP license plate are allowed to stop in other areas that are not covered by a no standing or stopping sign for one hour while treating a patient nearby.
To learn more about these rules, you can view the complete book here.